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Our Resolve. Your Resolution.


Harrowells is an equal opportunities employer.  It is the duty of everyone in the company not to discriminate against any person on the grounds of their:

  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race (includes colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins)
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

The policy applies to all aspects of employment with us, including recruitment, pay and conditions, learning and development, promotion, conduct at work, disciplinary and grievance procedures and termination of employment.

This policy also extends to our dealings with clients, potential clients and any other third party or stakeholder where everyone in the Company has a duty not to discriminate on the above grounds.

Organisations regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority are required to collect, report and publish data on the diversity characteristics of their workforce on a biennial basis. We conduct an anonymous survey every two years for current employees to produce the following information. Please note that the data we are allowed to publish on our website is subject to data protection compliance.

The results below are from our survey taken in June 2023. It should be noted that the information is based on the number of respondents to the survey and not actual employee numbers.

Age Range% of our survey respondents


  • 2.7% of our survey respondents have a disability according to the definition of the Equality Act

Ethnic origin

  • 98.65% of our survey respondents are British


  • No religion/belief/Atheist  50.00%
  • Christian  41.89%
  • Any other religious belief  1.35%
  • Prefer not to say  6.76%

Socio-economic background

  • 81.08% of our survey respondents attended a UK state school
  • 13.51% attended an independent school
  • 1.35% attended school outside the UK
  • 4.05% prefer not to say

35.14% of our respondents have primary carer responsibilities for child/ren under the age of 18.